Thursday, May 13, 2010

First mother's day...

I can't believe my first official mother's day already came and gone! I have always have a very close bond with my mom, but now that I'm a mom, I have a new found respect for my dearest mommy! In Canada, most of us are privileged enough to have a whole year off to spend with our new baby, but in HK (where I was born), moms are expected to be back to work in 6 weeks! I can't imagine even getting out of my pajamas in the first 6 weeks, let alone going back to work! My mom is a supermom in my eyes, she worked hard at her job and also at home, and is always 100% there for my sister and I. I hope I can be as patient and supportive as her with Tyler!

This year, we got our mom a netbook for mother's day, so she can spend time surfing the net and skype with my aunt in HK! We celebrated with brunch at Bloor Street Diner, with a nice spread of the usual brunch fare (including a chocolate fountain!) and a great ambiance...we all went home full and content....