Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Everyone hates Mondays, but I've always hated Sundays more, I hate the anticipation of going back to school/work more than the actual day. I hate the feeling of looking at the clock and realizing that the weekend is coming to an end, and I have to start preparing myself for another week of work. I have been feeling that same type of anxiety for the past weeks. The anticipation of going back to work and leaving my baby is making it hard for me to enjoy my last weeks of mat leave. And fast forward to today, I only have two full days left with Tyler, and I'm trying really hard to soak it all in.

I know Tyler is going to be in good hands, and I know he is going to have no problem spending the whole day with my parents, who he absolutely adores, I think this transition is going to affect me way more than him. Hopefully, in a few weeks, I can look back and realize that this new chapter of our lives is not as bad as I thought, and I can will treasure the times I have with Tyler even more!