Saturday, April 3, 2010

A walk in the park

We have been looking forward to this Easter long weekend for a while, hubby is around to help out with the baby for 4 days and we have been blessed with such great weather. I spent the whole Friday afternoon indoor at church, so I was dying to get out and enjoy the outdoors on Saturday. After going through all our usual outdoor options like unionville main street, shopping downtown, etc, we decided to venture off to High Park instead.

After a long quiet drive (napping baby in the back seat), we arrived at High Park on Bloor and Parkside Rd, we strolled downhill to the mini petting zoo. Although the zoo area was small, there were a lot of interesting animals.

Tyler wasn't really impressed with the animals, so we quickly moved along to other parts of the park. We were pretty surprised at how big and beautiful this park is. There were walking trails, restaurants and benches everywhere, and it was

Tyler loved spending time close to the water and looking at the big willow trees.

We sometimes struggle to find fun things to do with the baby, so I am really glad we decided to check out this downtown park. We are looking forward to coming back in the summer, maybe for a picnic by the water or for a swim in the outdoor pool area!

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