Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Mother's Day (belated post)

This past Mother's Day was my third (including the year when Tyler was still in my tummy) one as a mommy.  The weather was amazing but I was mostly at home nursing a really bad flu. Tyler managed to keep me entertain with all his silly ways, and although I was sick, I still get to enjoy some time with my family. Hubby surprised me with some nice flowers, I can't wait until Tyler can make me a mother's day gift, I'm going to be such a proud mama!

Hubby decided to make dinner, so he is going to be my "guest speaker" for this post! He made his famous Steamed Mussels:

  • 4 pounds mussels
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 shallot, minced
  • 2 garlic cloves, shaved
  • 4 sprigs fresh thyme
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 1 cup chicken broth, low-sodium
  • Pinch red pepper flakes
  • 1 tomato, peeled, seeded and cut in large dice
  • 1/2 cup roughly chopped parsley
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter

Rinse the mussels under cold running water while scrubbing with a vegetable brush. Discard any with broken shells. Heat oil in a 6 to 8-quart stockpot. Saute the shallot, garlic and thyme to create a base flavor. Add the mussels and give them a good toss. Add wine, lemon juice, chicken broth and red pepper flakes; cover the pot and steam over medium-high for 5 minutes until the mussels open. Toss in the tomato, parsley and butter, recover the pot, and steam for another minute to soften. The tomatoes should keep their shape. Serve with plenty of grilled garlic bread to sop up the broth.

This is our favorite way to cook mussels, the broth is actually the best part. Sometimes I will take the leftover broth and boil it down into a sauce for pasta, it is soooooooo good!!

Anyways, back to Mother's day.....We went to Brassaii for brunch with my family and dinner with my in laws.  I love being able to celebrate this special occasion with the family, but I think next year....I'm going to ask for a day off at the spa instead! =)

To my dear Tyler, you have given new meanings to Mother's day for me, I now not only get to be in this elite group of amazing women, but I also appreciate my own mom soooo much more. I would have never truly understand a mother's love and sacrifice until I became one myself. It is the hardest job in the world! Happy belated Mother's Day to all the amazing moms out there!!

1 comment:

  1. he's so much older looking than when i last saw him! happy belated mother's day to you, rufina! :)
