I'm slowing easing into the "nesting" stage of the pregnancy, only one week to go. I spent the whole weekend cleaning, sewing and getting the nursery ready. I guess this is the best time to hiberinate and do nothing, since the weather is so yucky outside anyways.
Anyways, I just wanted to use this post to write down a few funny things Tyler has been saying lately, this boy is a real goof, and always manage to make me laugh. As our family of 3 is going to be expanded really soon, I don't want to lose sight of Tyler's precious moment, and I figure I can always use these on his wedidng speech one day! HA!
1) Tyler is convinced I'm a kid and not an adult, he covers my eyes when something scary is on TV, saying: "Mommy, don't watch, this is for adults, and not for kids like us"! I wonder why he thinks that? Maybe because I'm short or because I act like a kid sometimes?
2) Everytime you ask Tyler how much things are, he says "Five hundred dollars"...I asked him why, and he said that's what people on the radio says...then I realized he was referring to "Beat the bank", the game from CHUM104.5, which we listen to every morning.
3) After we cleaned the nursery over the wekeend, I
I'm sure there are a lot more, but these are the ones that come to mind right now! Tyler is really a joy to have around, he is nuts, high energy and crazy at times, but overall, he is a really easy going kid. I really hope his little brother will take after him, and the transition to big brotherhood will be easy for him.