Thursday, February 14, 2013

The funny things Tyler says....

I've been totally MIA from this blog, between working, caring for a preschool, trying to maintain a semi-clean household and this pregnancy, it really feels like there are not enough hours in a day. I am still cooking here and there, but nothing really worth blogging about. All I can say is frozen chicken fingers, salad kits and the slow cookers are definitely my best friends!

I'm slowing easing into the "nesting" stage of the pregnancy, only one week to go. I spent the whole weekend cleaning, sewing and getting the nursery ready. I guess this is the best time to hiberinate and do nothing, since the weather is so yucky outside anyways.

Anyways, I just wanted to use this post to write down a few funny things Tyler has been saying lately, this boy is a real goof, and always manage to make me laugh. As our family of 3 is going to be expanded really soon, I don't want to lose sight of Tyler's precious moment, and I figure I can always use these on his wedidng speech one day! HA!

1) Tyler is convinced I'm a kid and not an adult, he covers my eyes when something scary is on TV, saying: "Mommy, don't watch, this is for adults, and not for kids like us"! I wonder why he thinks that? Maybe because I'm short or because I act like a kid sometimes?

2) Everytime you ask Tyler how much things are, he says "Five hundred dollars"...I asked him why, and he said that's what people on the radio says...then I realized he was referring to "Beat the bank", the game from CHUM104.5, which we listen to every morning.

3) After we cleaned the nursery over the wekeend, I forced asked Tyler to sit on my lap while I tried to rock him to sleep like a little baby. He sat on my lap and let out the biggest fart, I had to gasp for air...and he said: "It's okay mommy, babies always fart"!

I'm sure there are a lot more, but these are the ones that come to mind right now! Tyler is really a joy to have around, he is nuts, high energy and crazy at times, but overall, he is a really easy going kid. I really hope his little brother will take after him, and the transition to big brotherhood will be easy for him.

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