Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy 6 months birthday Tyler!

Can this be true, it's been 6 months since the arrival of our sweet baby boy? To think, just a few months ago, this little man was a total stranger to us, now, we know enough to have developed a dossier.

Name: Tyler
Known aliases: Moo Moo, Tyler bear, poo poo, tofu, bee bee

Likes: Snuggling, bath time, being swaddled tight, the bathroom fan, his white noise bear, blackberry, books, tv, any funny noises made by daddy,
his hands
Dislikes: Getting in the car seat when over tired, naps, wiping his face during meal time
Favorite Foods (so far): Milk (a.k.a boob and/or bottle), Sweet Potatoes,
bananas and cereal
Favorite Games: Playing with mommy's fingers, peek-a-boo, playing with his washcloth
Favorite Songs: Roly Poly, Zoom Zoom Zoom, ABCs, Bad Romance by Lady GaGa, "Sorry, I love you" by Leon L
ai (LOL, don't ask!)

All the festivities planned for today:

Drinking daddy's two-four

Some daddy and son bonding time

Eating his first birthday cake (my hubby looks more eager than tyler)

And of course, what kind of birthday is it without getting into his birthday suit

Our little man has developed such a personality in the short 6 months , he is a happy little guy and brings a lot of joy to our whole family. We can't wait until he talks and walks around, but for now, we are going to continue to snuggle, kiss and hug our little baby before he can run away from us!! =)

Happy 6 months Birthday Tyler!!

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