Thursday, June 10, 2010

Self feeding...

Before we started introducing Tyler to solids (back at 5 months), I did a lot of reading about it, and came across a term I've never heard before - Baby Led Weaning. People who start their babies with BLW generally allow their baby to control his/her solid food intake by self-feeding from the very beginning, rather than feeding them purees and cereal. The idea seems very interesting, but I am too much of a control freak and my hubby is too much of a clean freak for us to try it out with Tyler!

But after months of feeding Tyler all kinds of food and letting him self feed crackers, diced fruits and such, I thought we would give it try! We purchased a special soft silicon spoon, and gave him a bowl of yogurt and let him go to town!! And the result was messsssy, but we all had a good time and no furniture were damaged during this experiment!!

I love my messy boy......

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