Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My new green thumb

I never understood the fascination of gardening. Growing up, I remember seeing my parents rushing out to all the garden centers on Victoria Day long weekend, bringing home trays of little flowers, and spending the rest of the weekend planting them. I never pay any attention to what they have planted and never spend enough time at home to appreciate the fruits of their labor.

This year, we decided to work on our backyard, we got the patio and a little garden set up in the back, and I became obsessed with gardening! I love flowers and I always try to have some fresh ones in the house, but have never planted anything outdoor. I went into the garden center by my house for the first time and was overwhelmed with all the variety, but the fragrance and beautiful colors are truly addicting. There is nothing more relaxing and calming to me than walking into a nursery in the middle of a sunny afternoon, surrounded by all the pretty plants. Tyler really loves it too, I have been spending many afternoons with him strapped onto the carrier and walking through many garden centers, he just giggles and laughs whenever I point to a flower, and he loves the warm wind in his face.

My little garden is still a working progress, but the true joy of gardening is watching each plant grow a little at a time, which is exactly like motherhood. I often find myself looking through pictures of Tyler from the past 9 months and amazed at how much my boy has grown. It is amazing how fast things change, a few months ago, I was worried about Tyler not rolling over, but now I can't seem to get him to stay still for more than a second. I can't believe it has been 9 months since our sweet boy has came into our lives, the end of my maternity leave is slowly coming to an end, but until then, I'm going to enjoy every single minute I get to spend with him.

9 months ago (taken at 8 days):

Oh ya, he started to crawl today, it wasn't pretty (he mainly uses his hands and one leg and drags the other leg along!!), but it was still exciting to see him get from one place to another.....time to baby proof the house!! did my gardening post ended up with talking about Tyler? I guess that is just the way things are now, everything evolves around our little devil boy!!

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