Monday, July 12, 2010


Life of a mom has proven to be detrimental to my blogging "career"! LOL! But honestly, I have been so busy lately and haven't got a chance to update this blog. If you were to ask me what I have been busy with, I can't really tell you. Every day seems to be the same but yet a bit different, I can barely keep track of what day it is in the week. I guess this means I have finally settled into my mat leave (at least I am not counting down to the weekend every minute nowadays), but too bad, this is all going to end very soon, I am back to work at the end of September.

It seems like it was just yesterday when hubby and I brought our brand spanking new baby home, the past 10 months were full of joy, tears (happy, sad, frustrated tears) and tons of challenges. Tyler has grown so much in the last 10 months, from a 7 pounds 4 oz blob to an almost 20 pounds crawling machine. As I go through his old photos, I regret not taking more pics, more videos and recording his milestones. I am going to use this post to capture some of his significant milestones, before I forget...

Tyler's first day home (Sept 13, 2009):

First time laughing out loud (December 26, 2009_3 1/2 months):

First time eating solids - he LOVES food (Feb 12, 2010_5 months):

First time rolling over both ways (April 1, 2010_6 1/2 months):

First time crawling (June 23, 2010_9 months):

First time calling mama (June 27, 2010_9 1/2months):

I got really emotional as I went through his pictures, I can't believe my little boy is growing up so fast, way too fast...I just have to remind myself every day to treasure every moment with him!

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