Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Tyler!!

I started thinking about Tyler's birthday celebration back in Spring, I love throwing parties and was excited to plan this birthday celebration for our sweet baby! I honestly don't know how I came up with the Pirate theme, just one of my odd ideas! After months of research, working on all the little details, and planning in my head, the back to back parties had came and gone!

Tyler was unfortunately sick for both of his parties, luckily, he was a trooper, besides being a bit clingy and wanted to be held all the time, he still managed to party it up with his little buddies! We were blessed with great weather on both days, and it was the perfect way to enjoy the last few weeks of summer. Although I was busy running in and out of the kitchen, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Amongst all the chaos, I was able to stand back and look at all the happy faces, friends mingling, mommies exchanging stories, daddies downing their beers and babies laughing, all the hard work was all worth it. We are really blessed to have such an amazing group of friends and family who helped and supported us through the past year.

As I look at Tyler now, crawling everywhere and busy getting himself into trouble (he is reaching for the TV right now!!), it's hard to imagine that he was a 7 lbs baby just a year ago.

Looking back on this amazing year we had, I spent a lot of time crying in the first few months, tears of frustration, fear and stress. Instead of stressing over every little thing, I really wished I was able to relax and enjoyed the first 3 months more. We had a lot of challenges over the past year, not more than any other new parents, but at least I can honestly say now that the only tears I have is tears of joy! Hubby and I used to wonder why people have more than one kid, taking care of a newborn is really no easy task. But now I know why, the happiness and love you feel when your baby smiles at you, call you mama for the first time and how their little eyes light up when they see you walk into the room, that feeling as a parent is truly indescribable...

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