Thursday, September 23, 2010

The unsuccessful cake smash...

Every one year old needs a cake smash! I love the idea of a cake smash, I love it when Tyler gets messy and dirty, it's fun and that's what a baby is suppose to do! Tyler's bff, Jalen did a cake smash for his 1st birthday, it turned out perfectly! Baby J got dirty, messy, cake was eaten, cake was smeared, cake was everywhere!!! So I was super excited to do one for Tyler!
I was certain that it would turn out perfectly for Tyler as well, the kid LOVES food and loves to stick his hand into EVERYTHING! I put a white table cloth on the ground, the top tier of his birthday cake in front of him, and waited for him to go to town!
So he started off with just staring at the cake, then started to look around at everyone (we had both our families there, around 25 people, all with cameras ready to go), and then back to staring at the cake. So hubby decided to help him out a little by poking his finger into the cake, but still no reaction from Tyler....Tyler was so distracted by all the people around him, he rather crawl around and play than smash the cake!
So I decided to smash the cake myself and feed him some of it, thinking that it might peak his interest and get him going..

But after he tasted the cake, he was outta there...LOL!
Sigh Tyler, why do you always have to make things difficult!! Maybe we will have better luck next year....

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