Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Weeknight udon with caramel chicken

The reason why I haven't been blogging much lately is because between my several failed dinner attempts: Way too sweet teriyaki noodles (which my toddler splat out and kept saying NO NO!) and too sticky pad thai (AGAIN!), I really didn't have much to blog about. But I'm backkk, and with a few new yummy recipes in hand! This one is back to the basics, soup udon served with a caramel chicken. I bet you are thinking "what the heck is caramel chicken, sounds more like a dessert"! But caramel chicken is actually a way of cooking chicken that results in a sweet, deep flavored and very savory chicken.

Caramel Chicken

2 chicken legs, skinned and chopped into pieces
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 onion, sliced
1 package of brown enoki mushrooms (or any type of mushrooms you can find)
3 garlic cloves, sliced
1/4 cup dark soy sauce
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup fish sauce

Fry the chicken pieces in the vegetable oil until lightly brown, remove from pan.

Reduce the heat to medium and fry the onion, mushrooms and garlic, cook for 5 minutes

Return the chicken to the pan, add the soy sauce and stir to combine. Cover pan and reduce heat to low and cook for 10 minutes.

Now, for the important part, increase heat to high, add the sugar and stir to combine, cook uncovered for 30 4 minutes, or until the sauce is dark and syrupy. Remove from heat and stir in fish sauce.

See, easy right?? It's delicious, it really is! The sugar is caramelized, it's slightly sweet and just the right balance with the fish sauce. I served this in a simple soup udon (miso soup based, udon noodles, my fav - fake crab meat and a soft boiled egg, YUM!), but this would be really good served with rice to soak up all the savory sauce. A great quick weeknight options for you and your family!

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