Friday, September 9, 2011

Last day in paradise!

Hi ya folks! Sorry for the short break from the blog world again, the past few weeks had been crazy busy! Between planning my son's 2 year old birthday bash and preparing for our first family trip! I'm actually blogging from Montego Bay, Jamaica right now! It's our last night here and the trip had been amazing. One would ask why would someone like me have time to blog while on vacation? Let me tell you, I have a son who LOVES to sleep (even on vacation!) and a hubby who loves to take long showers!

Anyhoo, just wanted to write a short little post while I'm still in Jamaica, and I know you guys miss me (ok, I know nobody really reads this blog except a few of my close friends, but who cares, maybe one day I will be featured on Martha Stewart! OK, maybe I have had way too much sun!)! I will be back next week to post about all the fun things I did for Tyler's monster birthday bash and maybe I can even try out some new recipes while I'm at home with Tyler for another week!

Goodnight and YA MON!

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