Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monster Birthday Bash - Fun food

Our dear boy Tyler turned 2 this month, and to celebrate this occasion, we threw him the biggest and craziest bash! Like last year, this year was also a back to back birthday parties, one for family and the other for his little friends! Since he is such a little monster and love to terrorize us, what would be more perfect than throwing him a monsters themed birthday bash?!!

Here are a few fun food items I was inspired (by fellow bloggers) to make for this year:

1) Rainbow Cake
I've been seeing different version of the rainbow cake in many blogs, Tyler's Auntie A also made one for her son Jalen's birthday, so I was so tempted to make one for Tyler's birthday too! It's overall pretty easy, and Betty Crocker really helped! I used a box of vanilla box cake mix, made it as per back of the box.
A few tips: 1) Mix more of the first colour, ie. divide the cake mix in 5 portions, but put a little more for one colour. There should be more first colour mix in the bottom of the pan, as other colour mixes get piled on top, the first colour will thin out, so it's important to put more of the first colour mix. 2) For some strange reason, this cake bakes a lot longer (almost double the time) as the normal cake mix, so keep checking. And of course, you can use your favorite cake recipe instead of the store bought cake mix.


2) Jello slices
This is another idea I got while surfing the net and turned out to be a huge hit for the kids and even the parents! I hollowed a bag of oranges by cutting them in half and scoping out all the flesh (and used the flesh for oranges juice). Choose any type of jello you like, I used mango and orange flavor and make as per instructions on the box, but use a little less water to ensure that the jello solidifies in the orange halves. Pour the jello mixture into the halves and refrigerate overnight. Once the jello solidifies, slice each half with a sharp knife! HOW CUTE!!!

3) Fruit Skewers
This was my mommy's idea, instead of serving fruit salad in a bowl, she scoped the fruits with a melon scope and put them on a skewer! It's simple, look great and easy to eat!

4) Cookies n' cream monsters cupcakes adatped from Annie's Eats

Ok, it's getting late, so I'm not going to spend time typing up the recipe for this cookies n' cream cupcake, since I followed it step by step from this blog. I made the cake following the directions and used a simple vanilla buttercream icing instead. The cute little monsters were made from fondant!
Off to bed now, hopefully I have inspired you to make some of these fun food items!!

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