Friday, February 5, 2010

A collaboration...

My mom taught me how to knit at a very young age, but the only thing I ever knew how to knit was scarfs! I decided to pick up knitting again during my pregnancy, this time around, I ventured into hats, booties and even sweaters. I managed to have a few pieces completed before Tyler's arrival, but didn't get a chance to pick up my needles again until last month!

My first completed project since having Tyler is this Baby Hoodie, actually, it is a collaboration with my mom.I started the front and the back but had no idea how to complete the piece, I got the pattern from Ravelry (The best online knitting pattern resource), but some of the instruction wasn't clear, but as a master knitter, my mom figured it out! I am sure Tyler will only get to wear it a few times before growing out of it, nonetheless, it was fun knitting this with my mom's help!!

Here is a picture of my little man with his new sweater!!


  1. Amazing Fi!!! I can barely put on a sweater on Rebecca let alone knit one!! Hee hee =) Two thumbs up to the knitting Mommy!
