Saturday, March 12, 2011

New introduction

Okay, I'm finally back!! It's been a long time since I've sat in front of the computer to update this blog. I guess you can call it writer's block, or just plain lazy. When I first started this blog, I wanted to share my experience of being a new mom with my friends and family, it was really fun at first, but I often wondered if anybody is actually interested in our ordinary life? I struggled to come up with interesting topics, so I just stopped writing all together. I was actually planning to end this blog, but a light bulb went off during my recent trip to NYC!

Hubby and I recently took a trip to NYC, leaving our baby boy behind with the grandparents. The trip was great (but we did miss Tyler like crazy), and it fell good to know that we can still have fun as a couple! We have been to NYC before, so we skipped all the tourist area and made this trip into a culinary tour! One of the places we went to was Ippudo, a super popular japanese ramen restaurant. That bowl of ramen was amazing, and it totally ignited my passion for food again. I am determine to make my own bowl of ramen, so I ordered the Momofuku cookbook the moment I got home!!

This cookbook is crazy intense, the average recipe takes around 6 hours to complete, which is interesting and challenging, but I doubt my hubby and son would want to have dinner at midnight every day. So my plan is to use this blog to share some of my quick weeknight dinner solutions and also how I tackle the recipes momofuku and my other cookbook collection (which have been collecting dust)....

So come along for the ride!! But don't laugh if any of the recipes are too simple or if I miserably fail trying to attempt the Momofuku 48 hr beef short ribs!

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