Saturday, March 12, 2011


Loving my new spring blooms....

Besides all the great food we had in NYC, we also visited a few bakeries, and the first one we hit was Bouchon Bakery! Bouchon is opened by fame chef Thomas Keller, his bakery is well known for their french macarons. We went to the bakery on Columbus Circle after we arrived to NYC, but by 4pm, they were out of macarons!! I was so disappointed, but the yummy chocolate croissant made it all better. Hubby chose the TKO instead, which is the "Thomas Keller Oreo", and it was equally good. I mean, who doesn't like oreo? But the TKO is different, it was way less sweet, and a lot more satisfying!

So when we were invited to our first St. Patrick's Day party by our dear friend Judy, Yong and baby Rebecca, I thought this would be a great opportunity to try making my own version of this oreo cookie! (And make my friends be the guinea pigs!) I found the recipe from this awesome blog - That Winsome Girl. I started working the moment Tyler went to nap! The recipe is pretty simple, a white chocolate ganache sandwiched between two pieces of chocolate cookies.

I actually don't really like to bake, I hate having to be so precise with measurements, and I absolutely hate washing greasy bowls!!!

But off I go..... making the cookies were pretty easy, the only hard part was keeping the dough cold. The moment the dough warms up (probably because the dough is mostly butter!!), it's impossible to cut the dough with the cookie cutter. I first started using the pretty fluted cutter (, but I got lazy and ended up using a round cutter instead.

The white chocolate ganache was even easier to make, but I only ended up with enough filling to fill 8 cookies! The finished product was no where as pretty as the ones by Thomas Keller, but I thought they were pretty tasty. I especially love the cookie, it's deep in chocolatey flavor, very delicate texture and the salt really balanced the sweet filling.
(Yes, I'm cheesy, I stamped the cookie with R -it's my version of oreo - Roreo! And the filling was dyed with green coloring for the St. Patrick's day party!)

1 comment:

  1. We loved the Roreo cookies Fi - thank you for bringing them to the party!!! Your creations are ddddeeelicious - we would love to be your full-time guinea pigs!! Please hire us!
