Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring is here (it better be!!)

One of the great things with having the year off with Tyler was being about to reconnect with old friends and meeting other new mommies.  This weekend, we were invited to a baby shower for one of the mommies we hung out with last year, it was as great party/playdate, great food and great company. It seemed like all the mommies were either pregnant with their second baby, or already had two kids! I wonder when hubby and I will be ready to do it all over again, all I know is at this very moment, we are really enjoying life with just the 3 of us.

Anyways, to celebrate the upcoming arrival of their baby girl, I decided to make some super girly, and perfect for spring flower cupcakes! I was actually a bit nervous about making these, since I really haven't decorated much with buttercream lately.  All of my "creations" lately have been done with fondant, which is in my opinion, a bit easier.  Buttercream icing is harder to work with because if the consistency is wrong, it can look like a real mess.  So I dig up my old Wilton cake decorating books and went to work.  I think the end results weren't bad, some of the flowers didn't really turn out the way I was hoping for (like the pink and orange rose...yuck), but I hope everyone enjoyed them! 

I can't wait for spring to arrive, can't wait to kick start the gardening season!!!!


  1. oh my goodness Fi! Those look GORGEOUS!! Not as pretty as the ones you make for Chelsea's birthday though :)

  2. wow those are beautiful! will you be posting your buttercream recipe and the techniques you used? the purple cupcake looks like you used a star-tip, what about the white and yellow?

  3. They tasted as good as they looked!!! - Carm
