Saturday, April 2, 2011

I LOVE my slow cooker - Part II

It's been another long, busy week at work, so that means it was another slow cooker night! The last slow cooker recipe I posted was for beef ribs, but this week I decided to go for pork ribs! I actually had some pork ribs sitting in the freezer for a few weeks, so I decided to dig it back out and try to make something out of it! I really had no idea what recipe to use, all I know was I wanted to use these ribs and the slow cooker.  So I went into my pantry for some "inspiration", and saw the package of tzataiki powder my coworker got me from Greece (Poor guy, the tzataiki powder made his whole suitcase smelled like garlic, he actually had to wear garlic smelling clothes to his meetings!!), that's when I decided to make some Greek ribs....

Since most the slow cooker recipes I've used are with meat braising in a wet marinade, this time I decided to try out a dry rub, I wanted these ribs to be crusty outside and soft inside. This is what I came up with:

Greek style slow cooker ribs

10 Pork rib sections (individual pieces, not a full rack)
2 Tbsp Clubhouse Greek seasoning (I always have a bottle of this on hand, it's great for marinating, and also for Greek salad)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tbsp salt
3 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp dried oregano (extra Greek flavor)
2 tbsp garlic powder (I love this stuff!)
1/2 cup orange juice

1. Lay the rib sections into the slow cooker.
2. Mix all the ingredients into a paste, rub the ribs with the paste.
3. Pour the orange juice on top of the ribs, set the slow cooker to low for 6 - 8 hrs! Viola!

Again, I made these the night before, woke up to yummy meat smell, put the ribs in the fridge and went to work! This step is not necessary since the pork ribs were way less fat than the beef short ribs. So this could be made the morning of and set to cook during the day instead.

I served these ribs with steamed broccoli, fries (always have these in the freezer as well!) and of course the tzatziki sauce, which you can buy in any supermarket.

I was quite surprised by the texture of these ribs, they actually tasted alot like smoked BBQ ribs that had been on the BBQ for a long time. The outside of the ribs were slightly burnt and crusty, and the meat was fall off the bone yummy!! A definite success, and the prep time was so short, only took 5 minutes!


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